
Warning, you specified a working directory via "-w"
Keep in mind that RAxML only accepts absolute path names, not relative ones!
IMPORTANT WARNING: Alignment column 99627 contains only undetermined values which will be treated as missing data
IMPORTANT WARNING: Alignment column 540593 contains only undetermined values which will be treated as missing data
IMPORTANT WARNING: Alignment column 877792 contains only undetermined values which will be treated as missing data

Found 3 columns that contain only undetermined values which will be treated as missing data.
Normally these columns should be excluded from the analysis.

Just in case you might need it, an alignment file with 
undetermined columns removed is printed to file /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/trimal/genes.clean.ph.reduced

Alignment has 3 completely undetermined sites that will be automatically removed from the input data

This is the RAxML Master Pthread

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 1

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 2

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 3

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 4

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 5

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 6

This is RAxML version 8.2.12 released by Alexandros Stamatakis on May 2018.

With greatly appreciated code contributions by:
Andre Aberer      (HITS)
Simon Berger      (HITS)
Alexey Kozlov     (HITS)
Kassian Kobert    (HITS)
David Dao         (KIT and HITS)
Sarah Lutteropp   (KIT and HITS)
Nick Pattengale   (Sandia)
Wayne Pfeiffer    (SDSC)
Akifumi S. Tanabe (NRIFS)
Charlie Taylor    (UF)

Alignment has 3765 distinct alignment patterns

Proportion of gaps and completely undetermined characters in this alignment: 0.75%

RAxML rapid hill-climbing mode

Using 1 distinct models/data partitions with joint branch length optimization

Executing 1 inferences on the original alignment using 1 distinct randomized MP trees

All free model parameters will be estimated by RAxML
GAMMA model of rate heterogeneity, ML estimate of alpha-parameter

GAMMA Model parameters will be estimated up to an accuracy of 0.1000000000 Log Likelihood units

Partition: 0
Alignment Patterns: 3765
Name: No Name Provided
DataType: AA
Substitution Matrix: AUTO
Using fixed base frequencies

RAxML was called as follows:

/opt/mosga/tools/RAxML/raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-AVX -T 7 -m PROTGAMMAAUTO -s /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/trimal/genes.clean.ph -o a5559a11b7 -n tree-ml -w /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/raxml/maximum_likelihood/ -p 31415926535 

Partition: 0 with name: No Name Provided
Base frequencies: 0.087 0.044 0.039 0.057 0.019 0.037 0.058 0.083 0.024 0.048 0.086 0.062 0.020 0.038 0.046 0.070 0.061 0.014 0.035 0.071 

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3425586.032778 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424440.214369 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424434.070514 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424434.036740 with empirical base frequencies

Inference[0]: Time 14.307423 GAMMA-based likelihood -3424434.036554, best rearrangement setting 3

Conducting final model optimizations on all 1 trees under GAMMA-based models ....

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424434.036555 with empirical base frequencies

Inference[0] final GAMMA-based Likelihood: -3424434.036553 tree written to file /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/raxml/maximum_likelihood/RAxML_result.tree-ml

Starting final GAMMA-based thorough Optimization on tree 0 likelihood -3424434.036553 .... 

Final GAMMA-based Score of best tree -3424434.036553

Program execution info written to /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/raxml/maximum_likelihood/RAxML_info.tree-ml
Best-scoring ML tree written to: /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/raxml/maximum_likelihood/RAxML_bestTree.tree-ml

Overall execution time: 18.569020 secs or 0.005158 hours or 0.000215 days


Warning, you specified a working directory via "-w"
Keep in mind that RAxML only accepts absolute path names, not relative ones!
IMPORTANT WARNING: Alignment column 99627 contains only undetermined values which will be treated as missing data
IMPORTANT WARNING: Alignment column 540593 contains only undetermined values which will be treated as missing data
IMPORTANT WARNING: Alignment column 877792 contains only undetermined values which will be treated as missing data

Found 3 columns that contain only undetermined values which will be treated as missing data.
Normally these columns should be excluded from the analysis.

An alignment file with undetermined columns removed has already
been printed to file /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/trimal/genes.clean.ph.reduced

Alignment has 3 completely undetermined sites that will be automatically removed from the input data

This is the RAxML Master Pthread

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 1

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 5

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 3

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 6

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 4

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 2

This is RAxML version 8.2.12 released by Alexandros Stamatakis on May 2018.

With greatly appreciated code contributions by:
Andre Aberer      (HITS)
Simon Berger      (HITS)
Alexey Kozlov     (HITS)
Kassian Kobert    (HITS)
David Dao         (KIT and HITS)
Sarah Lutteropp   (KIT and HITS)
Nick Pattengale   (Sandia)
Wayne Pfeiffer    (SDSC)
Akifumi S. Tanabe (NRIFS)
Charlie Taylor    (UF)

Alignment has 3765 distinct alignment patterns

Proportion of gaps and completely undetermined characters in this alignment: 0.75%

RAxML rapid hill-climbing mode

Using 1 distinct models/data partitions with joint branch length optimization

Executing 25 non-parametric bootstrap inferences

All free model parameters will be estimated by RAxML
GAMMA model of rate heterogeneity, ML estimate of alpha-parameter

GAMMA Model parameters will be estimated up to an accuracy of 0.1000000000 Log Likelihood units

Partition: 0
Alignment Patterns: 3765
Name: No Name Provided
DataType: AA
Substitution Matrix: AUTO
Using fixed base frequencies

RAxML was called as follows:

/opt/mosga/tools/RAxML/raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-AVX -f d -T 7 -m PROTGAMMAAUTO -s /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/trimal/genes.clean.ph -o a5559a11b7 -n tree-bo -w /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/raxml/bootstrapping/ -# 25 -p 31415926535 -b 31415926535 

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3427162.336484 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3426007.577181 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3426001.176612 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3426001.140392 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[0]: Time 11.420620 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3426001.140185, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423673.938372 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3422557.646425 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3422551.544387 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3422551.509769 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[1]: Time 9.445661 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3422551.509585, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424641.985896 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423478.230384 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423472.296162 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423472.265034 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[2]: Time 6.644992 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3423472.264867, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3425028.331354 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423934.090115 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423928.223835 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423928.191036 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[3]: Time 6.553985 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3423928.190848, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3426452.947192 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3425326.798561 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3425320.437677 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3425320.400613 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[4]: Time 6.550863 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3425320.400413, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424282.745742 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423196.703292 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423190.895166 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423190.862916 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[5]: Time 6.410094 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3423190.862731, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424299.100300 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423157.437833 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423151.163931 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423143.707292 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[6]: Time 6.782576 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3423143.290624, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3427368.045729 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3426200.498582 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3426194.236277 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3426194.201612 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[7]: Time 6.505964 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3426194.201434, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3425401.612059 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424201.469193 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424194.835700 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424194.798249 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[8]: Time 6.817991 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3424194.798044, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423591.669428 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3422478.086916 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3422472.053483 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3422472.019361 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[9]: Time 6.244340 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3422472.019182, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424298.828007 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423186.867438 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423180.739596 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423180.704612 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[10]: Time 6.815470 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3423180.704425, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3425344.918022 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424202.763558 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424196.628363 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424196.594409 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[11]: Time 6.381170 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3424196.594227, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3425652.738362 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424549.757709 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424543.789505 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424543.755899 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[12]: Time 6.560891 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3424543.755710, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424138.678487 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423012.440662 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423006.613819 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423006.582663 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[13]: Time 6.638962 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3423006.582507, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3426360.225623 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3425185.218212 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3425178.879118 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3425178.844206 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[14]: Time 6.403415 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3425178.844020, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3426222.842469 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424958.068119 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424951.653556 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424948.911555 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[15]: Time 6.793595 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3424948.911555, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3426374.228695 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3425219.307007 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3425213.033869 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3425212.998895 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[16]: Time 5.965172 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3425212.998699, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3425600.342524 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424460.179379 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424454.103265 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424454.069470 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[17]: Time 6.388707 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3424454.069292, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3427334.295531 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3426166.297252 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3426160.226352 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3426160.193861 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[18]: Time 6.501727 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3426160.193684, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3426009.936901 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424935.812906 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424929.942294 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424929.909401 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[19]: Time 6.622245 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3424929.909215, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3426092.118470 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3425004.362517 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424998.346711 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424998.312132 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[20]: Time 6.480833 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3424998.311930, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3425887.557151 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424694.072325 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424687.793451 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424687.759749 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[21]: Time 6.119745 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3424687.759571, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3427497.103876 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3426211.152059 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3426204.655027 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3426202.118900 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[22]: Time 6.698345 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3426202.118900, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3424910.017497 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423803.964759 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423798.141949 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3423798.110046 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[23]: Time 5.974892 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3423798.109870, best rearrangement setting 3
Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3426871.451238 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3425704.306595 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3425698.018952 with empirical base frequencies

Automatic protein model assignment algorithm using ML criterion:

	Partition: 0 best-scoring AA model: HIVB likelihood -3425697.984239 with empirical base frequencies

Bootstrap[24]: Time 6.409334 seconds, bootstrap likelihood -3425697.984044, best rearrangement setting 3

Overall Time for 25 Bootstraps 170.699870

Average Time per Bootstrap 6.827995
All 25 bootstrapped trees written to: /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/raxml/bootstrapping/RAxML_bootstrap.tree-bo

Warning, you specified a working directory via "-w"
Keep in mind that RAxML only accepts absolute path names, not relative ones!
Found a total of 6 taxa in first tree of tree collection /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/raxml/bootstrapping/RAxML_bootstrap.tree-bo
Expecting all remaining trees in collection to have the same taxon set
add [18c62eb443]
add [8804969e79]
add [9108fb9b75]
add [b0a0c70ba9]
add [5b6fc498bc]
add [a5559a11b7]

WARNING: RAxML is not checking sequences for duplicate seqs and sites with missing data!

This is the RAxML Master Pthread

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 1

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 2

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 3

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 4

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 6

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 5

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 7

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 8

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 9

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 10

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 12

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 13

This is RAxML Worker Pthread Number: 11

This is RAxML version 8.2.12 released by Alexandros Stamatakis on May 2018.

With greatly appreciated code contributions by:
Andre Aberer      (HITS)
Simon Berger      (HITS)
Alexey Kozlov     (HITS)
Kassian Kobert    (HITS)
David Dao         (KIT and HITS)
Sarah Lutteropp   (KIT and HITS)
Nick Pattengale   (Sandia)
Wayne Pfeiffer    (SDSC)
Akifumi S. Tanabe (NRIFS)
Charlie Taylor    (UF)

RAxML Bipartition Computation: Drawing support values from trees in file /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/raxml/bootstrapping/RAxML_bootstrap.tree-bo onto tree in file /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/raxml/maximum_likelihood/RAxML_bestTree.tree-ml

RAxML was called as follows:

/opt/mosga/tools/RAxML/raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-AVX -f b -T 14 -m GTRCAT -z /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/raxml/bootstrapping/RAxML_bootstrap.tree-bo -t /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/raxml/maximum_likelihood/RAxML_bestTree.tree-ml -n tree -o a5559a11b7 -w /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/raxml/ 

Found 1 tree in File /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/raxml/maximum_likelihood/RAxML_bestTree.tree-ml

Found 25 trees in File /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/raxml/bootstrapping/RAxML_bootstrap.tree-bo

Found 1 tree in File /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/raxml/maximum_likelihood/RAxML_bestTree.tree-ml

Time for Computation of Bipartitions 0.006552
Tree with bipartitions written to file:  /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/raxml/RAxML_bipartitions.tree
Tree with bipartitions as branch labels written to file:  /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/raxml/RAxML_bipartitionsBranchLabels.tree
Execution information file written to :  /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/phylogenetic/raxml/RAxML_info.tree

Registered S3 method overwritten by 'treeio':
  method     from
  root.phylo ape 
ggtree v2.0.4  For help: https://yulab-smu.github.io/treedata-book/

If you use ggtree in published research, please cite the most appropriate paper(s):

- Guangchuang Yu, Tommy Tsan-Yuk Lam, Huachen Zhu, Yi Guan. Two methods for mapping and visualizing associated data on phylogeny using ggtree. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2018, 35(12):3041-3043. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msy194
- Guangchuang Yu, David Smith, Huachen Zhu, Yi Guan, Tommy Tsan-Yuk Lam. ggtree: an R package for visualization and annotation of phylogenetic trees with their covariates and other associated data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2017, 8(1):28-36, doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12628

Attaching package: ‘ggtree’

The following object is masked from ‘package:ape’:


Warning messages:
1: In FUN(X[[i]], ...) : NAs introduced by coercion
2: In FUN(X[[i]], ...) : NAs introduced by coercion

Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/9108fb9b755248880b5bfdc3]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/a5559a11b76e89eb5e819001]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 925461
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 899969
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 886696) ... (5439, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.955849 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 2.27122 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00424479 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/5b6fc498bc099b5bf794aca1]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/a5559a11b76e89eb5e819001]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 971785
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 909608
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 885489) ... (181, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.909712 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 4.48484 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00459665 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/8804969e79f23866f2fc15e3]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/a5559a11b76e89eb5e819001]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 930441
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 902002
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 886057) ... (131, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.98849 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 2.94458 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00455143 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/18c62eb443972a0e6c96bf5d]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/a5559a11b76e89eb5e819001]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 973887
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 908818
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 883362) ... (161, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 1.00473 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 4.11614 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.004723 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/b0a0c70ba9787ec737a33233]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/a5559a11b76e89eb5e819001]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 925693
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 904115
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 888926) ... (113, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.983638 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 2.48799 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00421611 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/a5559a11b76e89eb5e819001]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/9108fb9b755248880b5bfdc3]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 965340
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 910505
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 886610) ... (147, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.974515 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 2.2581 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00405398 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/5b6fc498bc099b5bf794aca1]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/9108fb9b755248880b5bfdc3]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 971785
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 909608
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 885489) ... (181, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.853081 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 3.18119 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00456308 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/8804969e79f23866f2fc15e3]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/9108fb9b755248880b5bfdc3]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 930441
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 902002
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 886057) ... (131, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.960713 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 2.64651 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00456535 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/18c62eb443972a0e6c96bf5d]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/9108fb9b755248880b5bfdc3]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 973887
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 908818
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 883362) ... (161, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 1.00313 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 3.1036 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.0045917 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/b0a0c70ba9787ec737a33233]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/9108fb9b755248880b5bfdc3]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 925693
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 904115
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 888926) ... (113, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.828194 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 2.87713 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00449904 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/a5559a11b76e89eb5e819001]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/5b6fc498bc099b5bf794aca1]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 965340
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 910505
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 886610) ... (147, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.92213 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 4.391 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00483367 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/9108fb9b755248880b5bfdc3]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/5b6fc498bc099b5bf794aca1]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 925461
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 899969
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 886696) ... (5439, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.982109 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 3.19642 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00476385 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/8804969e79f23866f2fc15e3]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/5b6fc498bc099b5bf794aca1]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 930441
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 902002
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 886057) ... (131, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.994464 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 4.00117 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00531518 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/18c62eb443972a0e6c96bf5d]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/5b6fc498bc099b5bf794aca1]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 973887
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 908818
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 883362) ... (161, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 1.01602 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 6.18536 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.0059759 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/b0a0c70ba9787ec737a33233]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/5b6fc498bc099b5bf794aca1]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 925693
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 904115
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 888926) ... (113, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.981729 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 3.58174 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00496963 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/a5559a11b76e89eb5e819001]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/8804969e79f23866f2fc15e3]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 965340
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 910505
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 886610) ... (147, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.983368 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 2.96747 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00459806 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/9108fb9b755248880b5bfdc3]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/8804969e79f23866f2fc15e3]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 925461
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 899969
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 886696) ... (5439, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.965026 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 2.87273 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00450614 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/5b6fc498bc099b5bf794aca1]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/8804969e79f23866f2fc15e3]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 971785
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 909608
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 885489) ... (181, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.984244 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 4.19598 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00518675 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/18c62eb443972a0e6c96bf5d]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/8804969e79f23866f2fc15e3]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 973887
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 908818
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 883362) ... (161, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.980029 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 4.09152 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00524157 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/b0a0c70ba9787ec737a33233]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/8804969e79f23866f2fc15e3]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 925693
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 904115
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 888926) ... (113, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.973049 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 3.27785 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00469568 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/a5559a11b76e89eb5e819001]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/18c62eb443972a0e6c96bf5d]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 965340
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 910505
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 886610) ... (147, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.98604 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 3.98783 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00460693 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/9108fb9b755248880b5bfdc3]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/18c62eb443972a0e6c96bf5d]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 925461
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 899969
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 886696) ... (5439, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.900532 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 3.11186 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00465096 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/5b6fc498bc099b5bf794aca1]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/18c62eb443972a0e6c96bf5d]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 971785
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 909608
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 885489) ... (181, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.920776 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 6.12812 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00596322 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/8804969e79f23866f2fc15e3]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/18c62eb443972a0e6c96bf5d]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 930441
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 902002
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 886057) ... (131, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.972143 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 3.81253 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00507186 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/b0a0c70ba9787ec737a33233]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/18c62eb443972a0e6c96bf5d]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 925693
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 904115
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 888926) ... (113, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.861104 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 3.46253 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00498212 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/a5559a11b76e89eb5e819001]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/b0a0c70ba9787ec737a33233]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 965340
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 910505
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 886610) ... (147, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.856113 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 2.52989 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00422377 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/9108fb9b755248880b5bfdc3]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/b0a0c70ba9787ec737a33233]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 925461
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 899969
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 886696) ... (5439, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.902221 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 2.99892 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00437823 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/5b6fc498bc099b5bf794aca1]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/b0a0c70ba9787ec737a33233]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 971785
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 909608
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 885489) ... (181, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 1.0036 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 3.64372 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00481491 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/8804969e79f23866f2fc15e3]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/b0a0c70ba9787ec737a33233]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 930441
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 902002
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 886057) ... (131, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.963913 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 2.96458 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00457209 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished
Reference = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/18c62eb443972a0e6c96bf5d]
Query = [/opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/b0a0c70ba9787ec737a33233]
Kmer size = 16
Fragment length = 3000
Threads = 14
ANI output file = /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/ani/temp.ani
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Count of threads executing parallel_for : 14
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, window size for minimizer sampling  = 24
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::build, minimizers picked from reference = 973887
INFO [thread 12], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 2], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 13], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 11], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 5], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 3], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 1], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 9], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 4], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 8], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 6], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 7], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 10], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::index, unique minimizers = 908818
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, Frequency histogram of minimizers = (1, 883362) ... (161, 1)
INFO [thread 0], skch::Sketch::computeFreqHist, consider all minimizers during lookup.
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent sketching the reference : 0.850153 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent mapping fragments in query #1 : 3.57012 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, Time spent post mapping : 0.00493158 sec
INFO [thread 0], skch::main, ready to exit the loop
INFO, skch::main, parallel_for execution finished

1837 common BUSCO genes identified:

INFO:	***** Start a BUSCO v4.1.4 analysis, current time: 07/06/2021 17:19:28 *****
INFO:	Configuring BUSCO with /opt/mosga/scripts/busco_config.ini
INFO:	Mode is genome
INFO:	'Force' option selected; overwriting previous results directory
INFO:	Input file is /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/b0a0c70ba9787ec737a33233
INFO:	Downloading information on latest versions of BUSCO data...
WARNING:	You are using BLAST version 2.9.0+. This is known to yield inconsistent results when multithreading. BLAST will run on a single core as a result. For performance improvement, please upgrade to BLAST 2.10.1+.
INFO:	Running BUSCO using lineage dataset saccharomycetes_odb10 (eukaryota, 2020-08-05)
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on makeblastdb, starting at 07/06/2021 17:19:28
INFO:	Creating BLAST database with input file
INFO:	[makeblastdb]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Running a BLAST search for BUSCOs against created database
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on tblastn, starting at 07/06/2021 17:19:28
INFO:	[tblastn]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Running Augustus gene predictor on BLAST search results.
INFO:	Running Augustus prediction using aspergillus_nidulans as species:
INFO:	Running 2707 job(s) on augustus, starting at 07/06/2021 17:21:31
INFO:	[augustus]	271 of 2707 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	542 of 2707 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	813 of 2707 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1083 of 2707 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1354 of 2707 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1625 of 2707 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1895 of 2707 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	2166 of 2707 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	2437 of 2707 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	2707 of 2707 task(s) completed
INFO:	Extracting predicted proteins...
INFO:	***** Run HMMER on gene sequences *****
INFO:	Running 2449 job(s) on hmmsearch, starting at 07/06/2021 17:33:21
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	245 of 2449 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	245 of 2449 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	490 of 2449 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	735 of 2449 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	980 of 2449 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1225 of 2449 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1470 of 2449 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1715 of 2449 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1960 of 2449 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	2205 of 2449 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	2449 of 2449 task(s) completed
INFO:	Starting second step of analysis. The gene predictor Augustus is retrained using the results from the initial run to yield more accurate results.
INFO:	Extracting missing and fragmented buscos from the file ancestral_variants...
INFO:	Running a BLAST search for BUSCOs against created database
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on tblastn, starting at 07/06/2021 17:33:35
INFO:	[tblastn]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Converting predicted genes to short genbank files
INFO:	Running 2021 job(s) on gff2gbSmallDNA.pl, starting at 07/06/2021 17:34:23
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	203 of 2021 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	405 of 2021 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	607 of 2021 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	809 of 2021 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1011 of 2021 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1213 of 2021 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1415 of 2021 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1617 of 2021 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1819 of 2021 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	2021 of 2021 task(s) completed
INFO:	All files converted to short genbank files, now training Augustus using Single-Copy Complete BUSCOs
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on new_species.pl, starting at 07/06/2021 17:34:38
INFO:	[new_species.pl]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on etraining, starting at 07/06/2021 17:34:38
INFO:	[etraining]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Re-running Augustus with the new metaparameters, number of target BUSCOs: 81
INFO:	Running Augustus gene predictor on BLAST search results.
INFO:	Running Augustus prediction using BUSCO_b0a0c70ba9787ec737a33233 as species:
INFO:	Running 112 job(s) on augustus, starting at 07/06/2021 17:34:39
INFO:	[augustus]	12 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	23 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	34 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	45 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	56 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	68 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	79 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	90 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	101 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	112 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	Extracting predicted proteins...
INFO:	***** Run HMMER on gene sequences *****
INFO:	Running 112 job(s) on hmmsearch, starting at 07/06/2021 17:35:22
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	12 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	23 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	34 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	45 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	56 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	68 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	79 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	90 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	101 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	112 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	Results:	C:98.4%[S:96.8%,D:1.6%],F:0.2%,M:1.4%,n:2137	   


	|Results from dataset saccharomycetes_odb10       |
	|C:98.4%[S:96.8%,D:1.6%],F:0.2%,M:1.4%,n:2137     |
	|2104	Complete BUSCOs (C)                       |
	|2069	Complete and single-copy BUSCOs (S)       |
	|35	Complete and duplicated BUSCOs (D)        |
	|4	Fragmented BUSCOs (F)                     |
	|29	Missing BUSCOs (M)                        |
	|2137	Total BUSCO groups searched               |
INFO:	BUSCO analysis done with WARNING(s). Total running time: 956 seconds

***** Summary of warnings: *****
WARNING:busco.BuscoTools	You are using BLAST version 2.9.0+. This is known to yield inconsistent results when multithreading. BLAST will run on a single core as a result. For performance improvement, please upgrade to BLAST 2.10.1+.

INFO:	Results written in /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/busco/b0a0c70ba9787ec737a33233


INFO:	***** Start a BUSCO v4.1.4 analysis, current time: 07/06/2021 16:47:39 *****
INFO:	Configuring BUSCO with /opt/mosga/scripts/busco_config.ini
INFO:	Mode is genome
INFO:	'Force' option selected; overwriting previous results directory
INFO:	Input file is /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/a5559a11b76e89eb5e819001
INFO:	Downloading information on latest versions of BUSCO data...
WARNING:	You are using BLAST version 2.9.0+. This is known to yield inconsistent results when multithreading. BLAST will run on a single core as a result. For performance improvement, please upgrade to BLAST 2.10.1+.
INFO:	Running BUSCO using lineage dataset saccharomycetes_odb10 (eukaryota, 2020-08-05)
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on makeblastdb, starting at 07/06/2021 16:47:39
INFO:	Creating BLAST database with input file
INFO:	[makeblastdb]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Running a BLAST search for BUSCOs against created database
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on tblastn, starting at 07/06/2021 16:47:39
INFO:	[tblastn]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Running Augustus gene predictor on BLAST search results.
INFO:	Running Augustus prediction using aspergillus_nidulans as species:
INFO:	Running 2697 job(s) on augustus, starting at 07/06/2021 16:49:47
INFO:	[augustus]	270 of 2697 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	540 of 2697 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	810 of 2697 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1079 of 2697 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1349 of 2697 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1619 of 2697 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1888 of 2697 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	2158 of 2697 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	2428 of 2697 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	2697 of 2697 task(s) completed
INFO:	Extracting predicted proteins...
INFO:	***** Run HMMER on gene sequences *****
INFO:	Running 2446 job(s) on hmmsearch, starting at 07/06/2021 17:01:32
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	245 of 2446 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	490 of 2446 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	734 of 2446 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	979 of 2446 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1223 of 2446 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1468 of 2446 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1713 of 2446 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1957 of 2446 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1957 of 2446 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	2202 of 2446 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	2446 of 2446 task(s) completed
INFO:	Starting second step of analysis. The gene predictor Augustus is retrained using the results from the initial run to yield more accurate results.
INFO:	Extracting missing and fragmented buscos from the file ancestral_variants...
INFO:	Running a BLAST search for BUSCOs against created database
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on tblastn, starting at 07/06/2021 17:01:47
INFO:	[tblastn]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Converting predicted genes to short genbank files
INFO:	Running 2013 job(s) on gff2gbSmallDNA.pl, starting at 07/06/2021 17:02:45
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	202 of 2013 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	403 of 2013 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	604 of 2013 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	806 of 2013 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1007 of 2013 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1208 of 2013 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1410 of 2013 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1611 of 2013 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1812 of 2013 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	2013 of 2013 task(s) completed
INFO:	All files converted to short genbank files, now training Augustus using Single-Copy Complete BUSCOs
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on new_species.pl, starting at 07/06/2021 17:03:00
INFO:	[new_species.pl]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on etraining, starting at 07/06/2021 17:03:01
INFO:	[etraining]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Re-running Augustus with the new metaparameters, number of target BUSCOs: 89
INFO:	Running Augustus gene predictor on BLAST search results.
INFO:	Running Augustus prediction using BUSCO_a5559a11b76e89eb5e819001 as species:
INFO:	Running 118 job(s) on augustus, starting at 07/06/2021 17:03:02
INFO:	[augustus]	12 of 118 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	24 of 118 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	36 of 118 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	48 of 118 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	60 of 118 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	71 of 118 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	83 of 118 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	95 of 118 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	107 of 118 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	118 of 118 task(s) completed
INFO:	Extracting predicted proteins...
INFO:	***** Run HMMER on gene sequences *****
INFO:	Running 118 job(s) on hmmsearch, starting at 07/06/2021 17:03:49
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	12 of 118 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	24 of 118 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	36 of 118 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	48 of 118 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	60 of 118 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	71 of 118 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	83 of 118 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	95 of 118 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	107 of 118 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	118 of 118 task(s) completed
INFO:	Results:	C:98.4%[S:96.8%,D:1.6%],F:0.1%,M:1.5%,n:2137	   


	|Results from dataset saccharomycetes_odb10       |
	|C:98.4%[S:96.8%,D:1.6%],F:0.1%,M:1.5%,n:2137     |
	|2103	Complete BUSCOs (C)                       |
	|2068	Complete and single-copy BUSCOs (S)       |
	|35	Complete and duplicated BUSCOs (D)        |
	|3	Fragmented BUSCOs (F)                     |
	|31	Missing BUSCOs (M)                        |
	|2137	Total BUSCO groups searched               |
INFO:	BUSCO analysis done with WARNING(s). Total running time: 972 seconds

***** Summary of warnings: *****
WARNING:busco.BuscoTools	You are using BLAST version 2.9.0+. This is known to yield inconsistent results when multithreading. BLAST will run on a single core as a result. For performance improvement, please upgrade to BLAST 2.10.1+.

INFO:	Results written in /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/busco/a5559a11b76e89eb5e819001


INFO:	***** Start a BUSCO v4.1.4 analysis, current time: 07/06/2021 17:35:25 *****
INFO:	Configuring BUSCO with /opt/mosga/scripts/busco_config.ini
INFO:	Mode is genome
INFO:	'Force' option selected; overwriting previous results directory
INFO:	Input file is /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/9108fb9b755248880b5bfdc3
INFO:	Downloading information on latest versions of BUSCO data...
WARNING:	You are using BLAST version 2.9.0+. This is known to yield inconsistent results when multithreading. BLAST will run on a single core as a result. For performance improvement, please upgrade to BLAST 2.10.1+.
INFO:	Running BUSCO using lineage dataset saccharomycetes_odb10 (eukaryota, 2020-08-05)
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on makeblastdb, starting at 07/06/2021 17:35:25
INFO:	Creating BLAST database with input file
INFO:	[makeblastdb]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Running a BLAST search for BUSCOs against created database
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on tblastn, starting at 07/06/2021 17:35:26
INFO:	[tblastn]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Running Augustus gene predictor on BLAST search results.
INFO:	Running Augustus prediction using aspergillus_nidulans as species:
INFO:	Running 2727 job(s) on augustus, starting at 07/06/2021 17:37:28
INFO:	[augustus]	273 of 2727 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	546 of 2727 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	819 of 2727 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1091 of 2727 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1364 of 2727 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1637 of 2727 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1909 of 2727 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	2182 of 2727 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	2455 of 2727 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	2727 of 2727 task(s) completed
INFO:	Extracting predicted proteins...
INFO:	***** Run HMMER on gene sequences *****
INFO:	Running 2449 job(s) on hmmsearch, starting at 07/06/2021 17:48:09
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	245 of 2449 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	490 of 2449 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	735 of 2449 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1225 of 2449 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1470 of 2449 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1715 of 2449 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1960 of 2449 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	2205 of 2449 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	2449 of 2449 task(s) completed
INFO:	Starting second step of analysis. The gene predictor Augustus is retrained using the results from the initial run to yield more accurate results.
INFO:	Extracting missing and fragmented buscos from the file ancestral_variants...
INFO:	Running a BLAST search for BUSCOs against created database
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on tblastn, starting at 07/06/2021 17:48:23
INFO:	[tblastn]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Converting predicted genes to short genbank files
INFO:	Running 2010 job(s) on gff2gbSmallDNA.pl, starting at 07/06/2021 17:49:17
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	201 of 2010 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	402 of 2010 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	603 of 2010 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	804 of 2010 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1005 of 2010 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1206 of 2010 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1407 of 2010 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1608 of 2010 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1809 of 2010 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	2010 of 2010 task(s) completed
INFO:	All files converted to short genbank files, now training Augustus using Single-Copy Complete BUSCOs
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on new_species.pl, starting at 07/06/2021 17:49:29
INFO:	[new_species.pl]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on etraining, starting at 07/06/2021 17:49:29
INFO:	[etraining]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Re-running Augustus with the new metaparameters, number of target BUSCOs: 93
INFO:	Running Augustus gene predictor on BLAST search results.
INFO:	Running Augustus prediction using BUSCO_9108fb9b755248880b5bfdc3 as species:
INFO:	Running 137 job(s) on augustus, starting at 07/06/2021 17:49:30
INFO:	[augustus]	14 of 137 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	28 of 137 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	42 of 137 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	55 of 137 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	69 of 137 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	83 of 137 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	96 of 137 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	110 of 137 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	124 of 137 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	137 of 137 task(s) completed
INFO:	Extracting predicted proteins...
INFO:	***** Run HMMER on gene sequences *****
INFO:	Running 137 job(s) on hmmsearch, starting at 07/06/2021 17:50:09
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	14 of 137 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	28 of 137 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	42 of 137 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	55 of 137 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	69 of 137 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	83 of 137 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	96 of 137 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	110 of 137 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	124 of 137 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	137 of 137 task(s) completed
INFO:	Results:	C:98.0%[S:96.4%,D:1.6%],F:0.3%,M:1.7%,n:2137	   


	|Results from dataset saccharomycetes_odb10       |
	|C:98.0%[S:96.4%,D:1.6%],F:0.3%,M:1.7%,n:2137     |
	|2095	Complete BUSCOs (C)                       |
	|2060	Complete and single-copy BUSCOs (S)       |
	|35	Complete and duplicated BUSCOs (D)        |
	|6	Fragmented BUSCOs (F)                     |
	|36	Missing BUSCOs (M)                        |
	|2137	Total BUSCO groups searched               |
INFO:	BUSCO analysis done with WARNING(s). Total running time: 886 seconds

***** Summary of warnings: *****
WARNING:busco.BuscoTools	You are using BLAST version 2.9.0+. This is known to yield inconsistent results when multithreading. BLAST will run on a single core as a result. For performance improvement, please upgrade to BLAST 2.10.1+.

INFO:	Results written in /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/busco/9108fb9b755248880b5bfdc3


INFO:	***** Start a BUSCO v4.1.4 analysis, current time: 07/06/2021 17:03:52 *****
INFO:	Configuring BUSCO with /opt/mosga/scripts/busco_config.ini
INFO:	Mode is genome
INFO:	'Force' option selected; overwriting previous results directory
INFO:	Input file is /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/8804969e79f23866f2fc15e3
INFO:	Downloading information on latest versions of BUSCO data...
WARNING:	You are using BLAST version 2.9.0+. This is known to yield inconsistent results when multithreading. BLAST will run on a single core as a result. For performance improvement, please upgrade to BLAST 2.10.1+.
INFO:	Running BUSCO using lineage dataset saccharomycetes_odb10 (eukaryota, 2020-08-05)
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on makeblastdb, starting at 07/06/2021 17:03:52
INFO:	Creating BLAST database with input file
INFO:	[makeblastdb]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Running a BLAST search for BUSCOs against created database
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on tblastn, starting at 07/06/2021 17:03:52
INFO:	[tblastn]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Running Augustus gene predictor on BLAST search results.
INFO:	Running Augustus prediction using aspergillus_nidulans as species:
INFO:	Running 2701 job(s) on augustus, starting at 07/06/2021 17:05:57
INFO:	[augustus]	271 of 2701 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	541 of 2701 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	811 of 2701 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1081 of 2701 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1351 of 2701 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1621 of 2701 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1891 of 2701 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	2161 of 2701 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	2431 of 2701 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	2701 of 2701 task(s) completed
INFO:	Extracting predicted proteins...
INFO:	***** Run HMMER on gene sequences *****
INFO:	Running 2443 job(s) on hmmsearch, starting at 07/06/2021 17:17:35
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	245 of 2443 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	489 of 2443 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	733 of 2443 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	978 of 2443 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1222 of 2443 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1466 of 2443 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1711 of 2443 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1955 of 2443 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	2443 of 2443 task(s) completed
INFO:	Starting second step of analysis. The gene predictor Augustus is retrained using the results from the initial run to yield more accurate results.
INFO:	Extracting missing and fragmented buscos from the file ancestral_variants...
INFO:	Running a BLAST search for BUSCOs against created database
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on tblastn, starting at 07/06/2021 17:17:49
INFO:	[tblastn]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Converting predicted genes to short genbank files
INFO:	Running 2025 job(s) on gff2gbSmallDNA.pl, starting at 07/06/2021 17:18:35
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	203 of 2025 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	405 of 2025 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	608 of 2025 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	810 of 2025 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1013 of 2025 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1013 of 2025 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1215 of 2025 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1418 of 2025 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1620 of 2025 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1823 of 2025 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	2025 of 2025 task(s) completed
INFO:	All files converted to short genbank files, now training Augustus using Single-Copy Complete BUSCOs
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on new_species.pl, starting at 07/06/2021 17:18:51
INFO:	[new_species.pl]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on etraining, starting at 07/06/2021 17:18:51
INFO:	[etraining]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Re-running Augustus with the new metaparameters, number of target BUSCOs: 78
INFO:	Running Augustus gene predictor on BLAST search results.
INFO:	Running Augustus prediction using BUSCO_8804969e79f23866f2fc15e3 as species:
INFO:	Running 109 job(s) on augustus, starting at 07/06/2021 17:18:52
INFO:	[augustus]	11 of 109 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	22 of 109 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	33 of 109 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	44 of 109 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	55 of 109 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	66 of 109 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	77 of 109 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	88 of 109 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	99 of 109 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	109 of 109 task(s) completed
INFO:	Extracting predicted proteins...
INFO:	***** Run HMMER on gene sequences *****
INFO:	Running 109 job(s) on hmmsearch, starting at 07/06/2021 17:19:25
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	11 of 109 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	22 of 109 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	33 of 109 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	44 of 109 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	55 of 109 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	66 of 109 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	77 of 109 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	88 of 109 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	99 of 109 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	109 of 109 task(s) completed
INFO:	Results:	C:98.3%[S:96.7%,D:1.6%],F:0.3%,M:1.4%,n:2137	   


	|Results from dataset saccharomycetes_odb10       |
	|C:98.3%[S:96.7%,D:1.6%],F:0.3%,M:1.4%,n:2137     |
	|2102	Complete BUSCOs (C)                       |
	|2067	Complete and single-copy BUSCOs (S)       |
	|35	Complete and duplicated BUSCOs (D)        |
	|6	Fragmented BUSCOs (F)                     |
	|29	Missing BUSCOs (M)                        |
	|2137	Total BUSCO groups searched               |
INFO:	BUSCO analysis done with WARNING(s). Total running time: 934 seconds

***** Summary of warnings: *****
WARNING:busco.BuscoTools	You are using BLAST version 2.9.0+. This is known to yield inconsistent results when multithreading. BLAST will run on a single core as a result. For performance improvement, please upgrade to BLAST 2.10.1+.

INFO:	Results written in /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/busco/8804969e79f23866f2fc15e3


INFO:	***** Start a BUSCO v4.1.4 analysis, current time: 07/06/2021 16:31:43 *****
INFO:	Configuring BUSCO with /opt/mosga/scripts/busco_config.ini
INFO:	Mode is genome
INFO:	'Force' option selected; overwriting previous results directory
INFO:	Input file is /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/5b6fc498bc099b5bf794aca1
INFO:	Downloading information on latest versions of BUSCO data...
WARNING:	You are using BLAST version 2.9.0+. This is known to yield inconsistent results when multithreading. BLAST will run on a single core as a result. For performance improvement, please upgrade to BLAST 2.10.1+.
INFO:	Running BUSCO using lineage dataset saccharomycetes_odb10 (eukaryota, 2020-08-05)
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on makeblastdb, starting at 07/06/2021 16:31:44
INFO:	Creating BLAST database with input file
INFO:	[makeblastdb]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Running a BLAST search for BUSCOs against created database
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on tblastn, starting at 07/06/2021 16:31:44
INFO:	[tblastn]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Running Augustus gene predictor on BLAST search results.
INFO:	Running Augustus prediction using aspergillus_nidulans as species:
INFO:	Running 2704 job(s) on augustus, starting at 07/06/2021 16:33:51
INFO:	[augustus]	271 of 2704 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	541 of 2704 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	812 of 2704 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1082 of 2704 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1352 of 2704 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1623 of 2704 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1893 of 2704 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	2164 of 2704 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	2434 of 2704 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	2704 of 2704 task(s) completed
INFO:	Extracting predicted proteins...
INFO:	***** Run HMMER on gene sequences *****
INFO:	Running 2453 job(s) on hmmsearch, starting at 07/06/2021 16:45:34
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	246 of 2453 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	491 of 2453 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	736 of 2453 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	982 of 2453 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1227 of 2453 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1472 of 2453 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1472 of 2453 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1718 of 2453 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1963 of 2453 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	2208 of 2453 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	2453 of 2453 task(s) completed
INFO:	Starting second step of analysis. The gene predictor Augustus is retrained using the results from the initial run to yield more accurate results.
INFO:	Extracting missing and fragmented buscos from the file ancestral_variants...
INFO:	Running a BLAST search for BUSCOs against created database
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on tblastn, starting at 07/06/2021 16:45:48
INFO:	[tblastn]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Converting predicted genes to short genbank files
INFO:	Running 2023 job(s) on gff2gbSmallDNA.pl, starting at 07/06/2021 16:46:38
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	203 of 2023 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	203 of 2023 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	607 of 2023 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	810 of 2023 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1012 of 2023 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1214 of 2023 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1417 of 2023 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1619 of 2023 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1821 of 2023 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	2023 of 2023 task(s) completed
INFO:	All files converted to short genbank files, now training Augustus using Single-Copy Complete BUSCOs
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on new_species.pl, starting at 07/06/2021 16:46:54
INFO:	[new_species.pl]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on etraining, starting at 07/06/2021 16:46:54
INFO:	[etraining]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Re-running Augustus with the new metaparameters, number of target BUSCOs: 80
INFO:	Running Augustus gene predictor on BLAST search results.
INFO:	Running Augustus prediction using BUSCO_5b6fc498bc099b5bf794aca1 as species:
INFO:	Running 112 job(s) on augustus, starting at 07/06/2021 16:46:55
INFO:	[augustus]	12 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	23 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	34 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	45 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	56 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	68 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	79 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	90 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	101 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	112 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	Extracting predicted proteins...
INFO:	***** Run HMMER on gene sequences *****
INFO:	Running 112 job(s) on hmmsearch, starting at 07/06/2021 16:47:36
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	12 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	23 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	34 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	45 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	56 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	68 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	79 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	90 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	101 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	112 of 112 task(s) completed
INFO:	Results:	C:98.7%[S:97.1%,D:1.6%],F:0.1%,M:1.2%,n:2137	   


	|Results from dataset saccharomycetes_odb10       |
	|C:98.7%[S:97.1%,D:1.6%],F:0.1%,M:1.2%,n:2137     |
	|2108	Complete BUSCOs (C)                       |
	|2074	Complete and single-copy BUSCOs (S)       |
	|34	Complete and duplicated BUSCOs (D)        |
	|2	Fragmented BUSCOs (F)                     |
	|27	Missing BUSCOs (M)                        |
	|2137	Total BUSCO groups searched               |
INFO:	BUSCO analysis done with WARNING(s). Total running time: 954 seconds

***** Summary of warnings: *****
WARNING:busco.BuscoTools	You are using BLAST version 2.9.0+. This is known to yield inconsistent results when multithreading. BLAST will run on a single core as a result. For performance improvement, please upgrade to BLAST 2.10.1+.

INFO:	Results written in /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/busco/5b6fc498bc099b5bf794aca1


INFO:	***** Start a BUSCO v4.1.4 analysis, current time: 07/06/2021 16:15:24 *****
INFO:	Configuring BUSCO with /opt/mosga/scripts/busco_config.ini
INFO:	Mode is genome
INFO:	'Force' option selected; overwriting previous results directory
INFO:	Input file is /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/18c62eb443972a0e6c96bf5d
INFO:	Downloading information on latest versions of BUSCO data...
WARNING:	You are using BLAST version 2.9.0+. This is known to yield inconsistent results when multithreading. BLAST will run on a single core as a result. For performance improvement, please upgrade to BLAST 2.10.1+.
INFO:	Running BUSCO using lineage dataset saccharomycetes_odb10 (eukaryota, 2020-08-05)
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on makeblastdb, starting at 07/06/2021 16:15:25
INFO:	Creating BLAST database with input file
INFO:	[makeblastdb]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Running a BLAST search for BUSCOs against created database
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on tblastn, starting at 07/06/2021 16:15:25
INFO:	[tblastn]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Running Augustus gene predictor on BLAST search results.
INFO:	Running Augustus prediction using aspergillus_nidulans as species:
INFO:	Running 2713 job(s) on augustus, starting at 07/06/2021 16:17:32
INFO:	[augustus]	272 of 2713 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	543 of 2713 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	814 of 2713 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1086 of 2713 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1357 of 2713 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1628 of 2713 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	1900 of 2713 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	2171 of 2713 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	2442 of 2713 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	2713 of 2713 task(s) completed
INFO:	Extracting predicted proteins...
INFO:	***** Run HMMER on gene sequences *****
INFO:	Running 2451 job(s) on hmmsearch, starting at 07/06/2021 16:29:11
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	246 of 2451 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	491 of 2451 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	736 of 2451 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	981 of 2451 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1226 of 2451 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1471 of 2451 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1716 of 2451 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	1961 of 2451 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	2206 of 2451 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	2451 of 2451 task(s) completed
INFO:	Starting second step of analysis. The gene predictor Augustus is retrained using the results from the initial run to yield more accurate results.
INFO:	Extracting missing and fragmented buscos from the file ancestral_variants...
INFO:	Running a BLAST search for BUSCOs against created database
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on tblastn, starting at 07/06/2021 16:29:25
INFO:	[tblastn]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Converting predicted genes to short genbank files
INFO:	Running 2019 job(s) on gff2gbSmallDNA.pl, starting at 07/06/2021 16:30:18
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	202 of 2019 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	404 of 2019 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	606 of 2019 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	808 of 2019 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1010 of 2019 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1212 of 2019 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1414 of 2019 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1616 of 2019 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	1818 of 2019 task(s) completed
INFO:	[gff2gbSmallDNA.pl]	2019 of 2019 task(s) completed
INFO:	All files converted to short genbank files, now training Augustus using Single-Copy Complete BUSCOs
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on new_species.pl, starting at 07/06/2021 16:30:33
INFO:	[new_species.pl]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Running 1 job(s) on etraining, starting at 07/06/2021 16:30:33
INFO:	[etraining]	1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO:	Re-running Augustus with the new metaparameters, number of target BUSCOs: 82
INFO:	Running Augustus gene predictor on BLAST search results.
INFO:	Running Augustus prediction using BUSCO_18c62eb443972a0e6c96bf5d as species:
INFO:	Running 115 job(s) on augustus, starting at 07/06/2021 16:30:34
INFO:	[augustus]	12 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	23 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	35 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	46 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	58 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	69 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	81 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	92 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	104 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	[augustus]	115 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	Extracting predicted proteins...
INFO:	***** Run HMMER on gene sequences *****
INFO:	Running 115 job(s) on hmmsearch, starting at 07/06/2021 16:31:17
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	12 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	23 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	35 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	46 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	58 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	69 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	81 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	92 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	92 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	104 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	[hmmsearch]	115 of 115 task(s) completed
INFO:	Results:	C:98.4%[S:96.7%,D:1.7%],F:0.2%,M:1.4%,n:2137	   


	|Results from dataset saccharomycetes_odb10       |
	|C:98.4%[S:96.7%,D:1.7%],F:0.2%,M:1.4%,n:2137     |
	|2102	Complete BUSCOs (C)                       |
	|2066	Complete and single-copy BUSCOs (S)       |
	|36	Complete and duplicated BUSCOs (D)        |
	|4	Fragmented BUSCOs (F)                     |
	|31	Missing BUSCOs (M)                        |
	|2137	Total BUSCO groups searched               |
INFO:	BUSCO analysis done with WARNING(s). Total running time: 954 seconds

***** Summary of warnings: *****
WARNING:busco.BuscoTools	You are using BLAST version 2.9.0+. This is known to yield inconsistent results when multithreading. BLAST will run on a single core as a result. For performance improvement, please upgrade to BLAST 2.10.1+.

INFO:	Results written in /opt/mosga/snakemake/../gui/uploads/195325c3/busco/18c62eb443972a0e6c96bf5d